
Cod Cubes Skinless (Patagonian Toothfish) x 250gm/pkt

Original price was: RM55.00.Current price is: RM51.00.

Patagonian Toothish which commonly trade as Chilean Cod fish is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins like D, B6, and B12, which are beneficial for brain health, bone health, and overall development. 

While Chilean sea bass is a good source of protein and omega-3s, due to its high mercury levels, it’s recommended that children 12 and younger consume it no more than once a month, and adults no more than twice a month. 

Category: Tags: , , , Product ID: 19448


Patagonian Toothish which commonly trade as Chilean Cod fish is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins like D, B6, and B12, which are beneficial for brain health, bone health, and overall development. 

While Chilean sea bass is a good source of protein and omega-3s, due to its high mercury levels, it’s recommended that children 12 and younger consume it no more than once a month, and adults no more than twice a month. 



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